i18n in React

We have two shell scripts in the root of our repository that we need to understand to decipher what goes on under the hood regarding translation on react.


Bundles react through webpack and creates link to translations.


Create temporary dev bundle of react and extracts the translation strings from the bundle.

As react serves javascript files through django staticfiles react’s build.sh creates symbolic links to the lino_react/translations/extracts/i18n to the static files directory.

The npm run build command cleans up the lino_react/react/static directory. Hance, every time we re-bundle react through npm run build we need to ensure that the symbolic links to translations are recreated. So it is advised to use the build.sh script instead of npm run build.

  • What to translate?

    Change the json files in lino_react/translations/extracts/i18n directory. Only change the value of the key-value pairs within the json files (and the changes should be available immediately (no need to run any command)). For example, in lino_react/translations/extracts/i18n/de/translation.json the translated first item looks like the following:

        "Quick search": "Schnellsuche",
  • How to extract the modified translatable strings?

    Simply run the make_messages shell script.

Cheat sheet

  • In a js or jsx source code file, this.ex.i18n.t("Hello, world!") marks “Hello, world!” as a translatable message.

  • npm run mm

npm run mm