Quick start¶
We assume that you have installed a Lino developer environment as described in Install your Lino developer environment.
In case of problems during the following quick instructions, see Troubleshoot issues with Node.js and npm.
Install NodeJS on your computer:
$ sudo apt install nodejs npm
Get the latest Node.js version using the n package:
$ sudo npm install -g n
$ sudo n stable
Install the Lino React project into NodeJS:
$ go react
$ npm update
$ npm install
Make your first build:
$ npm run dev
Before pushing changes to the repository:
$ npm run build
$ ln -s ../../../translations/extracts/i18n lino_react/react/static/react/locales
$ git add lino_react/react/static/react/
$ git add -u lino_react/react/config/react/main.html
See How to prepare lino_react for commit below.
How to prepare lino_react for commit¶
The Lino React repository includes the files that get generated by webpack when
you run npm run build
. If Lino React was a Node.js application we
wouldn’t include them because they are just the result of npm run build
command. But Lino React is a Python package, not a Node.js package. We don’t
want to require a Lino production site to install the Node.js framework just to
build these files. That’s why we let webpack generate these files into the
directory where Django’s
command will find them.
Let’s say you have done a one-line change in LinoComponents.jsx
, you
did several npm run dev
and finally a npm run build
. Now you want
to commit and push your changes. Here is how your git status
looks now:
$ git st
On branch master
Changes not staged for commit:
(use "git add/rm <file>..." to update what will be committed)
(use "git restore <file>..." to discard changes in working directory)
modified: lino_react/react/components/LinoComponents.jsx
modified: lino_react/react/config/react/main.html
deleted: lino_react/react/static/react/main.LinoComponents_LinoDetail.3a2ba6c95a6a1ea45dfa.js
deleted: lino_react/react/static/react/main.LinoComponents_LinoDetail.3a2ba6c95a6a1ea45dfa.js.map
deleted: lino_react/react/static/react/main.runtime.0d5dac49c1a36c98c50a.js
deleted: lino_react/react/static/react/main.runtime.0d5dac49c1a36c98c50a.js.map
Untracked files:
(use "git add <file>..." to include in what will be committed)
no changes added to commit (use "git add" and/or "git commit -a")
We can see that four files have been deleted and four similar files are new. That’s because each build uses a new hash in order to make sure the files are not getting cached somewhere.
Rather than manually deleting the four files and then adding their new version,
you can git rm
the whole lino_react/react/static/react
run another build, and then git add
the whole directory back again:
$ git rm -r lino_react/react/static/react
$ npm run build
$ git add lino_react/react/static/react
The static/react
directory contains more than 100 files, but most of
them get rebuilt exactly as before. Git detects that there is no difference and
so the git add
for these files automatically “cancels” the git rm
The result is that you have just two files deleted and two similar files added:
$ git st
On branch master
Changes to be committed:
(use "git restore --staged <file>..." to unstage)
deleted: lino_react/react/static/react/main.LinoComponents_LinoDetail.3a2ba6c95a6a1ea45dfa.js
deleted: lino_react/react/static/react/main.LinoComponents_LinoDetail.3a2ba6c95a6a1ea45dfa.js.map
new file: lino_react/react/static/react/main.LinoComponents_LinoDetail.6acd0e3ccae181744860.js
new file: lino_react/react/static/react/main.LinoComponents_LinoDetail.6acd0e3ccae181744860.js.map
renamed: lino_react/react/static/react/main.runtime.0d5dac49c1a36c98c50a.js -> lino_react/react/static/react/main.runtime.1b037ddc1d1b089893ea.js
renamed: lino_react/react/static/react/main.runtime.0d5dac49c1a36c98c50a.js.map -> lino_react/react/static/react/main.runtime.1b037ddc1d1b089893ea.js.map
Changes not staged for commit:
(use "git add <file>..." to update what will be committed)
(use "git restore <file>..." to discard changes in working directory)
modified: lino_react/react/components/LinoComponents.jsx
modified: lino_react/react/config/react/main.html
- lino_react/react/static¶
The files in this directory will be distributed with the Python package, and Django’s
command on a Lino site will find them.It contains two subdirectories:
is the output path for webpack where it stores minimized js code (seewebpack.config.js
is also populated by webpack, from files other than JavaScript.